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Summer 2024

Leading Learning

By Dean C. Taylor, MD, COL (ret) USA

In previous SMU articles, AOSSM President Dean Taylor addressed this year’s strategic initiatives of Leading for the Future, Leading Discovery, and Leading Collaboratively. In his final article, Dr. Taylor highlights how AOSSM is Leading Learning.

    • From the President

Injuries in Rowing

By Theodore B. Shybut, MD

Rowing is one of the original Olympic events and among the most physically strenuous human sport activities. This article from orthopaedic surgeon and former collegiate rower Theodore Shybut, MD, explores common injuries in this elite sport.

    • Physicians' Corner

Black Medical Education and Health Care Disparities

By Joel Boyd, MD

Dr. Joel Boyd examines the impact of U.S. history on Black medical education and shares three key strategies to work towards addressing healthcare disparities: recognize, address, and educate.

    • Industry Insights

Equestrian Sports: Trends, Injuries and Prevention

By Elizabeth J. Scott, MD

Recent tragic injuries in Olympic equestrian training have turned new focus on treatment and prevention for these elite athletes.

    • Physicians' Corner

A Review of Exertional Heat Illnesses (EHI)

By Letha Griffin, MD, PhD, Tanya Maxwell, MS, ATC, LAT, OTC

Team physicians: Exertional Heat Illnesses (EHI) is dangerous, but preventable! Help coaches, trainers, athletes, parents and others recognize the signs and prevent serious injury.

    • Physicians' Corner

Mixed Martial Arts: Injury Patterns, Trends, and Misconceptions

By Robert S. Dean, MD, Joseph H. Guettler, MD

Are MMA athletes on a certain road to submission by injury, or should these rumors be knocked out? Delve into the most common injuries and get data to dispel common misconceptions.

    • Physicians' Corner

History of Olympic Sport

By Nikolaos K. Paschos, MD, PhD

Looking forward to the Olympic Games in Paris this summer? Read up on the history and evolution of the event.

    • Industry Insights

Most Catastrophic Injuries Are Preventable

By Barry P. Boden, MD, Scott A. Anderson, ATC, Frances T. Sheehan, PhD

Read about the "10 commandments” of preventing and preparing for a catastrophic sports injury.

    • Physicians' Corner

Advancement in Sports Injury Prevention: The Role of Biomechanics and Technology

By Catherine A. Logan MD, MBA, MSPT, Omar A. Protzuk, MD

A review of recent advances in using real-time data obtained through new technologies to assist providers in injury prevention and return to play decisions.

    • Early Career Engagement

Scoring Big: The Playbook for Excelling in AOSSM Peer Review

Scoring Big: The Playbook for Excelling in AOSSM Peer Review

    • Journals & Publishing
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